Unleashing the Power of the MCOC Immune Chart: Your Ultimate Guide

By: JohnBarnes

Ever found yourself in a sticky spot in Marvel Contest of Champions (MCOC) where your prized champion is getting obliterated by debuffs? Yeah, we’ve all been there. But guess what? There’s a way out of this mess, and it comes in the form of the MCOC immune chart. This handy tool can be a game-changer, offering a strategic edge by helping you understand which champions are immune to various debuffs. So, let’s dive in and explore the wonders of the MCOC immune chart.

What Is the MCOC Immune Chart?

The MCOC immune chart is essentially a guide that lists all the champions in Marvel Contest of Champions along with their immunities to specific debuffs. This includes immunities to bleed, poison, stun, and more. Knowing these immunities can be crucial in deciding which champions to bring into certain battles, especially when facing opponents who rely heavily on debuff attacks.

Why Is the MCOC Immune Chart Important?

Understanding the MCOC immune chart can be a real lifesaver. Imagine going into a fight without knowing that your chosen champion is highly susceptible to the enemy’s debuffs. Ouch, right? With the immune chart, you can make informed decisions, ensuring that your champions have the best chance of survival and victory.

Key Immunities in MCOC

Bleed Immunity

Bleed immunity is one of the most sought-after traits in MCOC. Champions with this immunity can shrug off bleed effects, making them invaluable against bleed-heavy opponents like Wolverine or X-23. Some notable bleed-immune champions include Colossus, Ultron, and Vision.

Poison Immunity

Poison immunity is another critical trait, especially useful against characters like Abomination and King Groot. Champions like Hulk Ragnarok, Hyperion, and Iceman can resist poison effects, allowing them to stay in the fight longer and deal more damage.

Stun Immunity

Stun immunity can be a real game-changer in MCOC. Being able to resist stun effects means your champion won’t be left vulnerable to follow-up attacks. This is particularly useful in fights where the opponent has abilities that trigger stuns frequently. Examples of stun-immune champions are Medusa, Kingpin, and Electro.

Other Notable Immunities

  • Cold Snap Immunity: Champions like Iceman and Emma Frost can resist cold snap effects, making them great choices against opponents who use these debuffs.
  • Shock Immunity: Champions such as Warlock and Hulkbuster are immune to shock, making them resilient against characters like Doctor Doom and Bishop.
  • Incinerate Immunity: This is vital against characters who deal incinerate damage. Champions like Human Torch and Red Hulk thrive in these scenarios.

How to Use the MCOC Immune Chart Effectively

Using the MCOC immune chart effectively involves more than just glancing at it before a fight. Here are some tips to maximize its potential:

  1. Pre-Battle Planning: Before entering a quest or arena, check the immune chart to see which champions are best suited for the fights ahead. This can save you a lot of headaches and revives.
  2. Synergy Considerations: Some champions gain additional immunities through synergies. Make sure to consider these when planning your team.
  3. Counterpicking: Use the immune chart to counter specific nodes and opponents. For example, if a node inflicts poison, bring in a poison-immune champion to negate that threat.
  4. Training and Mastery: Familiarize yourself with the chart to build a more versatile roster over time. Training with different immune champions will also improve your adaptability in various scenarios.

Building a Balanced Roster

A balanced roster is key to success in MCOC. Here are some tips to ensure your roster covers all bases:

  • Diversify Immunities: Aim to have champions with a variety of immunities. This ensures you’re prepared for any debuff-heavy fights.
  • Rank Up Strategically: Prioritize ranking up champions with crucial immunities. This not only makes them stronger but also enhances your overall team flexibility.
  • Synergies and Teams: Pay attention to synergies that can grant additional immunities. Building teams around these synergies can provide significant advantages.

FAQs About the MCOC Immune Chart

What Is the Best Way to Learn the Immune Chart?

The best way to learn the MCOC immune chart is through practice and repetition. Regularly check the chart before battles and make a habit of noting which champions have which immunities. Over time, you’ll develop a mental map of the chart, making it easier to recall in the heat of battle.

Can Champions Gain Immunities Through Synergies?

Yes, some champions can gain additional immunities through synergies with other champions. For example, pairing certain characters together can grant one or both champions extra resistances. Always check the synergy bonuses before finalizing your team.

How Often Is the Immune Chart Updated?

The MCOC immune chart is updated regularly, especially when new champions are introduced or existing ones are reworked. It’s important to stay updated with the latest versions of the chart to ensure you’re always using the most accurate information.

Where Can I Find the Most Reliable Immune Chart?

Reliable immune charts are often found on dedicated MCOC community websites, forums, and social media groups. Sites like Reddit and the MCOC official forums are great places to find the latest charts and updates from other experienced players.

Can Immunities Change During a Fight?

Generally, immunities in MCOC do not change during a fight. However, certain nodes and abilities can temporarily grant or strip away immunities, so always read the node descriptions carefully before engaging.


The MCOC immune chart is an indispensable tool for any serious Marvel Contest of Champions player. By understanding and utilizing this chart, you can make smarter decisions, build stronger teams, and ultimately dominate the competition. Remember to regularly check for updates, consider synergies, and plan your battles strategically. With the MCOC immune chart by your side, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle any challenge the game throws your way.

Authoritative Links

For more detailed information on the MCOC immune chart and other related topics, check out these authoritative sources:

There you have it, folks! Dive into the MCOC immune chart and watch your gameplay transform.