8 High Protein Snacks You Can Eat Instead Of Junk Food

By: JohnBarnes

Cottage cheese

At the top of the high protein snacks list is the cottage cheese. This healthy snack has long been considered a dieter’s staple. A cup of cottage cheese has about 20-30 g of protein and about 5-10 grams of fat. Add some fresh fruit to the cheese and you already have a high protein – high fiber healthy snack. If you need to gain weight you can substitute the cottage cheese with some hard cheese that has higher content of fat.

Beef jerky

With its high protein content and low fat content, beef jerky is the perfect high protein food. Only 50 grams of beef jerky can contain up to 18 grams of protein, 4 grams of fat and 4 grams of carbohydrates. Look for beef jerky that is sold in health stores because of the lower content of salt in it.

Nuts and seeds

Almonds, peanuts and other nuts all have high protein content and make a good, healthy snack. Besides protein, nuts contain good fats that have a great impact on your health. You can eat a handful of nuts before or after your training session for a protein boost, Seeds, such as those from sunflowers and pumpkins, are also rich in protein.

Whole eggs

Eggs contain all 9 essential amino acids so they are considered a complete protein. It’s a good idea to include whole eggs into your daily diet as a snack or a complete meal. Hard boiled eggs make a great snack, and 3-4 scrambled eggs mixed with some vegetables make a great meal on-the-go.

Peanut butter and fruit

Peanut butter contains about 5g of protein per tablespoon, 8 grams of fat and 3 grams of carbs, making it a good high protein snack. Some people like to eat peanut butter spread on a slice of bread, but personally I like it more with fruit. This way you are also adding some fiber to your protein snack.

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With about 20g of protein per can and high content of essential fatty acids, tuna makes ? great low fat high protein snack. You can spread it on a toasted slice of bread , or have a tuna sandwich. For quick appetizer style snacks, top small slices of bread with tuna, diced tomatoes and cheese and bake until cheese is melted.


Oats contain about 12g of protein per 100g serving. Adding a cup of yogurt to your bowl of oatmeal will add another 8-10 grams of protein to your snack.  Serve warm oatmeal with a bit of maple syrup or cinnamon on top.

If you don’t want to carry any food with you there are always the replacements you can use.

Protein powders and high protein bars

They are a great source of protein and a great option for high protein snacks. A 30g serving can have anywhere from 15-25 grams of protein, depending on the protein type and brand. Adding a glass of milk will add another 8 grams of protein to the mix. Protein shakes are easy to consume immediately after a workout or between meals as a snack.

High protein bars are made to be perfect high protein snacks. They are easy to take to work, school, gym or anywhere you need to be during your busy lifestyle. A good protein bar can contain 22-30 grams of protein, 18-20 grams of carbohydrates and 1-5 grams of fat.

So there you go, there is always a way to eat healthy instead of junk foods. Use these snacks high in protein to fuel up for your workouts, work day or just as a food replacement when you don’t have time to cook a decent meal.

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